
How APROPLAN Enables Success Factors for Your Company

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We are close to the finish line of 2015. The summer is already behind us and now we need to switch in the fast gear and end 2015 with success. We discuss success often here at the APROPLAN Headquarters (I am sure you are doing the same with your team).
Last week, one of our colleagues introduced us to a given by Bill Gross, the founder and CEO of IdeaLab. Apparently, this gentleman has a lot of experience when it comes to successful companies and projects. Analysing more than 200 companies, he came up with the 5 crucial factors for success.

Success-Factors Aproplan smartbuilding
image credits: www.ifclegacy.com

Yes, the truth is that these factors are taken from analysing companies/startups across multiple industries. But still, the big question for us is, if we try to use these factors as a lens and look the construction industry through it, how does APROPLAN help construction companies to succeed? Where are we on the map of success?
To find the answer, we applied these factors on a project management level, since every project can be treated as a startup. Meaning, every construction project can be influenced by timing, team/execution, ideas, business model and funding. After careful analysis we are confident to claim that APROPLAN can help and/or play major role in the first two success/failure factors:

  1. Timing
  2. Team/Execution

How can APROPLAN lead your construction/company towards success?

Table of Contents


We can look at this factor from two points of view:

  • When is the right time to start using or switch to a better construction management software?
  • Using APROPLAN, are you going to be able to receive the valuable information at the right time?

Regarding the first point of view, you probably expect me to say that the time is now. But, I won’t. The right answer is: “When your management and team is ready for it”. If you just “jump-ship” without preparation, you can end up unsatisfied and disappointed from the decision.
If we look at the external technological and economic factors, there is no real obstacle to try APROPLAN as soon as possible, There is a free option for you to get familiar with the software and we even established a learning center where with our help, you can get educated on what APROPLAN can do for you. Isn’t that amazing?
Regarding the second point of view, I want to assure you that APROPLAN is actually an optimised tool to monitor and assign construction punch lists, compare construction plans and organize the perfect workflow for your team. The best part about it is the fact that it enables your team to collaborate in real time. They can make changes using their tablets or phones and those changes will be immediately visible for you and the other team members. Talk about timing, right?


Maybe it will sound cliche, but we’ve created APROPLAN to help you do better work in the office and on-site. Our goal is not only to help you have better execution but to make the whole construction management easier. When it comes to your team, using APROPLAN you will notice:

  • Faster task execution;
  • Smarter collaboration, since you can work on your project using your mobile or tablet’s features and power;
  • Easier workflow, because there will be no more piles of papers that need to be carried from the office to the construction site and vice versa;
  • Better communication, because you can all access the same information;
  • Flexible execution processes;

Which actually leads to:

  • Better results;
  • Happier employees;
  • Over-delivering on projects;
  • Better profitability of projects;
  • Happier customers.

If you have a tool that can help your team feel good while doing the work that matters and avoid miscommunication, you can effectively increase the productivity in your company. This keeps your team together on a long term and improves the execution of any construction project.

Are you ready to make a change and take a step towards bigger success? We are ready to help you. Take a look at this ebook, The Circle of Productivity, that is free to download. It discusses how to improve construction site productivity in specific details.